
Welcome to NeuroPsy-Webdesign!

We provide the full spectrum of web services. Our approach to web development and UI engineering is based on solid science, and we incorporate insights from a variety of disciplines. We adopt an integral perspective and combine know-how from cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience, psychology, computer science, psychophysics, memetics, media studies, and behavioral economics, inter alia.

=> Get in touch for further information!

Keywords: Brand Identity, Recognition, Experience,  Innovation, Data Analysis & Visualization, Interactive Statistical Apps,  Text-to-Speech Synthesis, CSS3 Speech & Font Design, CSS3 Box Theory, Flexboxes, Transformations & Perspectives, Responsive Grid-Layouts.


“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for” ~Milton Glaser

N.B. We are very critical with regards to the omnipresent usage of mobile devices. Read more on the various harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Our services include:

  • Content-Management-Systems
  • User-Interface (UI) Development
  • E-commerce (Online Shops)
  • Search-Engine-Optimisation (SEO)
  • Web-Analytics
  • Web-Security
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Development
  • International Business Solutions
  • Concept Development
  • App Development
  • Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
  • Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
  • 3D-Modelling
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Digital Art
  • Web-development
  • E-Mail Systems
  • Novel Ideas and Creative Solutions
  • and much more…

We adopt an interdisciplinary and integral approach. In our projects we utilise knowledge from the following domains:

  • Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Science
  • Psychology
  • Behavioural Economics/Decision-Science
  • Social Sciences/Humanities
  • Psychophysics
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science
  • Psycholinguistics/Communication Studies
  • inter alia…


Our international & multidisciplinary network

NeuroPsy-Webdesign builds on CogNovo, an EU funded Marie Curie doctoral training programme at the University of Plymouth (United Kingdom). CogNovo is multinational and inherently interdisciplinary programm consisting of <20 PhD students, ≈40 supervisors, and numerous partners from academia and industry.

Private sector partners include several industrial research labs (e.g., Philips and Sony), a private education provider (LogicMills, Singapore), Frontier-IP (and organisation with expertise in the domain of entrepreneurship and the commercialisation of Intellectual Property), several research/arts organisations (i-DAT, R-Research Kin), two major international media archives (EYE Film Institute, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision), and an interdisciplinary academic journal which focuses on the integration of contemporary science, technology, and the arts (Leonardo).