Praxis für Kieferorthopädie
Dr. med. Dent. Stefan Sichting
~ St. Tönis ~
More Human
Medical Services

Our clinic provides all the healthcare services you need – whether it be routine checkups or an emergency.

Health Packages

We know how important to be in the budget and here you will find all our health plans are pocket friendly.

Find a Doctor

Search for professional doctors by specialty, disease, conditione, expertise, or doctor’s last name.

Herzlich willkommen

in der Praxis für Kieferorthopädie Dr. med. dent. Stefan Sichting.

Um sich vor einem persönlichen Beratungsgespräch ausführlich informieren zu können, haben wir auf den nächsten Seiten einige Aspekte unseres Leistungsspektrums für Sie zusammengestellt.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Ihr Praxis-Team
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Senior Care Program

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is challenging at any age, and for adults 50 and over, one of the best ways to combat the symptoms of “old age” is to be educated about ways to stay healthy. Each month, our members are invited to at least one seminar covering a wide variety of healthy living topics.

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Full Medical Check-up

A full physical examination is a general examination of the body performed by the doctor or general practitioner (GP). The examination will cover most of the basic systems of the body, including the heart system, lung system, gut system and nerve system examination.

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Health Care for Children

Child Health care is defined as the medical services that are provided by the medical professionals to the children having disease or infection. These services are funded by different health organizations. These medical professionals are specialized and experienced in treating pediatric patients.

Medical Services
A range of service to suit your health
Emergency & Trauma Services

Our medical center is the only full service emergency room in New York open 24/7.

Maternity & Neonatal

Our medical center is specialized to help you through all stages of your pregnancy.


The #2 Best in the Country

Respiratory Issues

Treats 800+ Issues Per Year

Dental Care

9 Dental Experts

Cancer Treatment

78% Cure Rate

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Available Health Packages
Affordable, quality health plans for individuals and families
Vital Health Package

Your entry level screening package covering peripheral arterial disease, heart disease and stroke assessment, body composition and biometric analysis.

Elite Health Package

A thorough, very detailed and comprehensive assessment of all the body sytems. Highly recommended for all if you want to be sure and extremely confident about your health.

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Dr. Amy Myers

Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf ribeye ball tip, cow chuck venison pork belly meatball porchetta. Ribeye short loin flank kevin turducken. Strip steak tenderloin biltong shoulder drumstick cow. Cow pork belly jowl meatloaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.

Beef ribs pork frankfurter, boudin jerky buffalo tongue shoulder salami rump swine meatball burgdoggen flank.

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Dr. James Barry

Spare ribs picanha cupim porchetta. Turkey short loin tongue bresaola tenderloin, picanha alcatra. Spare ribs corned beef t-bone chicken hamburger. Pig swine tenderloin hamburger, spare ribs kielbasa pork chop bacon ribeye frankfurter drumstick bresaola prosciutto turducken.

Pork chop picanha rump fatback buffalo pork loin cupim pork belly t-bone filet mignon. Short loin pork loin jowl, kielbasa shank hamburger picanha andouille buffalo.

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Dr. Tyler Fox

Strip steak tenderloin biltong shoulder drumstick cow. Cow pork belly jowl meatloaf pig ground round beef tri-tip. Pork chop beef pig pancetta pork loin.

Swine ribeye porchetta turducken strip steak biltong chuck tongue.Beef ribs pork frankfurter, boudin jerky buffalo tongue shoulder salami rump swine meatball burgdoggen flank.

Employed Doctors
Surgeries Per Year
Years of Experience
Treatments Per Year
Making Healthcare
More Human
Medical Services

Our clinic provides all the healthcare services you need – whether it be routine checkups or an emergency.

Health Packages

We know how important to be in the budget and here you will find all our health plans are pocket friendly.

Find a Doctor

Search for professional doctors by specialty, disease, conditione, expertise, or doctor’s last name.